Mats'äsäna Mą Primozic

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations

Haines Junction

Born in Däkwä̀käda (Haines Junction) Mats’äsäna Mą (Sarina Primozic), is a member of the Agünda (Wolf Clan), from northwestern Canada’s Champagne and Aishihik First Nation. Sarina is someone who thrives from the Language and Culture; she is currently enrolled in CAFNʼs Adult Language Immersion Program and is set to graduate from the program in June 2021. She recently received her Certificate and is soon to receive her Diploma in First Nation Language Proficiency from Simon Fraser University. During the course of this learning journey, she has been very lucky to work alongside two amazing elders who offer their traditional knowledge and teachings throughout the program. These teachings often line-up with modern day science and research which allows for her to understand, comprehend and live in both worlds. Sarina is someone who values our youth. She truly believes their paths are crucial for the future; without them, there is no hope for the next generation. Sarina is the Chairperson for CAFN's Youth Executive Council and has worked with youth throughout various stages in her life. She genuinely appreciates and listens closely when Youth step forward and share their thoughts, ideas and dreams. Being a young person herself, she understands how important it is to be and felt heard. Mats’äsäna Mą cherishes time on the land. For 3 years, before joining the Language Immersion Program, she worked in the Heritage, Lands and Resource department within her First Nation. During this time, she learned a lot about our land and the relationship it holds with traditional knowledge, science, and research. The program she is currently enrolled in, allows for her elders to provide information about the Traditional Knowledge they hold and demonstrate the connection it has to our land. Sarina is excited to contribute to, learn from and gain new experiences within this Fellowship. She is eager to learn more about our land, science, climate change and everything else the Fellowship has to offer. She is looking forward to bringing all the knowledge she will gain back into her community. She is enthusiastically waiting to work within her community to create a climate action plan so they can begin to work together to fight climate change.